057 – Geek Life – Games

September 5, 2013

Oculus RiftThis past weekend we spent all day Sunday playing with THE Admin’s Oculus Rift dev-kit. HOLY CRAP it’s awesome! This is the future friends. Check out our conversation on all things Oculus and find out what it’s really like in the rift!

This week we recommend Ready Player One by Ernest Cline! This book is fun, exciting and damn near prophetic! JP listened to this on audible recently and was blown away, now most of the Geek Life crew has enjoyed this excellent story. Remember, if you’d like to get the audible version free go to AudibleTrial.com/GeekLife to get your free audiobook! Read more…

Posted in Games |

056 – Geek Life – Comics

August 21, 2013

This week we spotlight the incredible and meaningful comics by Kostas Kiriakakis of Kiriakakis.net. These comics had a profound impact on several of us at Geek Life and we simply can’t say enough good things about them, Kostas is a true talent. In short, go read these for yourself at Kiriakakis.net and be sure to follow him on twitter @KappaFanta.

Next we review “Poor Mick” by Kat Martin. Mick is a luckless sailor who always seems to be getting into trouble. After being tossed into the raging sea he finds himself on an island alone with a seemingly mute and rather rude girl. This is only the beginning of Mick’s journey and Read more…

Posted in Comics |

055 – Geek Life – Movies

August 14, 2013

Sidekick QuestsWe spotlight the epic and hilarious web-comic/RPG “Sidekick Quests” by James Stowe. Sidekick is about a group of aspiring adventurers and the crazy trouble they get themselves into while their betters are away. Not only is Sidekick an excellent web-comic but it’s also an upcoming tabletop RPG! We can’t wait to try out the game when it’s finished and jump into the world of Sidekick Quests. Be sure to check out Sidekick Quests at SidekickQuests.com, follow the comic/RPG on twitter @SidekickQuests and follow James @jamesstowe!

Turtles ForeverNext we talk about one of the funniest animated movies we’ve seen in a while, Turtles Forever. This mash-up of turtles from different dimensions is Read more…

Posted in Comics, Movies |

054 – Geek Life – Games

July 31, 2013

Point of SingularityThis week we spotlight Point of Singularity by Athena Dykman. PoS is a great comic which follows an ex-super villain scientist dude on his mission to redeem himself and make right his past misdeeds. Turns out he’s got a long road ahead of him, what with the mega viruses and super zombies he released into the universe. Athena spins an interesting start to what promises will be an excellent and entertaining adventure. Be sure to check out PoS on PoS.thecomicseries.com, see Athena’s latest deviations over at her Deviant Art Page, Follow her Tumblr, Twitter and like her facebook page!

FireFallNext we have a good long conversation on the good bad and ugly of free/freemium games. This thriving trend seems to be Read more…

Posted in Comics, Games |