034– Geek Life – Games
On this week’s Geek Life we spotlight the excellent web-comic “Happle Tea” by Scott Maynard. Happle is about a kid named Lil K and his adventures with God, Sasquatch and an array of mythological creatures, gods and cryptids! Check out “Happle Tea” at Happletea.com and be sure to follow Scott on twitter @happletea.
We then review “Organ Trail: Directors Cut” by The Men Who Wear Many Hats. This hilarious and difficult game is a love letter to the original “Oregon Trail” many of us played as children, only with zombies…and zombie bears. Totally worth a play and available on iOS and Andriod!
Finally we get into our Indie Comic Review! We gab about Jared Manninen and Joe Daley’s “Gruesome Tales Vol.1” available from MakotoPress.com! Jared and Joe’s “Gruesome Tales” is a trade paperback collection of several short stories meant “To Tickle Your Terror Bone”, and it does just that. This collection presents some genuinely creepy tales!
Music is provided by AirPlus Recordings+. This week’s song is “Come On” by Dfsa90 available on “Airplus Recordings – Singles Vol. 3
“. If you like this song, be sure to support Dfsa90 and AirPlus Recordings!
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